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Runtime warnings

Client warnings


Assignment to `%property%` property (%location%) will evaluate to the right-hand side, not the value of `%property%` following the assignment. This may result in unexpected behaviour.

Given a case like this...

	let object = $state({ array: null });

	function add() {
		(object.array ??= []).push(object.array.length);

<button onclick={add}>add</button>
<p>items: {JSON.stringify(object.items)}</p>

...the array being pushed to when the button is first clicked is the [] on the right-hand side of the assignment, but the resulting value of object.array is an empty state proxy. As a result, the pushed value will be discarded.

You can fix this by separating it into two statements:

function function add(): voidadd() {
let object: {
    array: number[];
.array: number[]array ??= [];
let object: {
    array: number[];
.array: number[]array.Array<number>.push(...items: number[]): number

Appends new elements to the end of an array, and returns the new length of the array.

@paramitems New elements to add to the array.
let object: {
    array: number[];
.array: number[]array.Array<number>.length: number

Gets or sets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest index in the array.



`%binding%` is binding to a non-reactive property
`%binding%` (%location%) is binding to a non-reactive property


Your `console.%method%` contained `$state` proxies. Consider using `$inspect(...)` or `$state.snapshot(...)` instead

When logging a proxy, browser devtools will log the proxy itself rather than the value it represents. In the case of Svelte, the ‘target’ of a $state proxy might not resemble its current value, which can be confusing.

The easiest way to log a value as it changes over time is to use the $inspect rune. Alternatively, to log things on a one-off basis (for example, inside an event handler) you can use $state.snapshot to take a snapshot of the current value.


%handler% should be a function. Did you mean to %suggestion%?


The `%attribute%` attribute on `%html%` changed its value between server and client renders. The client value, `%value%`, will be ignored in favour of the server value


The value of an `{@html ...}` block changed between server and client renders. The client value will be ignored in favour of the server value
The value of an `{@html ...}` block %location% changed between server and client renders. The client value will be ignored in favour of the server value


Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server
Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server. The error occurred near %location%


The `render` function passed to `createRawSnippet` should return HTML for a single element


Detected a migrated `$:` reactive block in `%filename%` that both accesses and updates the same reactive value. This may cause recursive updates when converted to an `$effect`.


Tried to unmount a component that was not mounted


%parent% passed a value to %child% with `bind:`, but the value is owned by %owner%. Consider creating a binding between %owner% and %parent%


Mutating a value outside the component that created it is strongly discouraged. Consider passing values to child components with `bind:`, or use a callback instead
%component% mutated a value owned by %owner%. This is strongly discouraged. Consider passing values to child components with `bind:`, or use a callback instead


A `$:` statement (%location%) read reactive state that was not visible to the compiler. Updates to this state will not cause the statement to re-run. The behaviour of this code will change if you migrate it to runes mode

In legacy mode, a $: reactive statement re-runs when the state it references changes. This is determined at compile time, by analysing the code.

In runes mode, effects and deriveds re-run when there are changes to the values that are read during the function’s execution.

Often, the result is the same — for example these can be considered equivalent:

$: let sum: numbersum = let a: numbera + let b: numberb;
const const sum: numbersum = 
function $derived<number>(expression: number): number
namespace $derived

Declares derived state, i.e. one that depends on other state variables. The expression inside $derived(...) should be free of side-effects.


let double = $derived(count * 2);$derived

@paramexpression The derived state expression
(let a: numbera + let b: numberb);

In some cases — such as the one that triggered the above warning — they are not the same:

const const add: () => numberadd = () => let a: numbera + let b: numberb;

// the compiler can't 'see' that `sum` depends on `a` and `b`, but
// they _would_ be read while executing the `$derived` version
$: let sum: numbersum = const add: () => numberadd();

Similarly, reactive properties of deep state are not visible to the compiler. As such, changes to these properties will cause effects and deriveds to re-run but will not cause $: statements to re-run.

When you migrate this component to runes mode, the behaviour will change accordingly.


Reactive `$state(...)` proxies and the values they proxy have different identities. Because of this, comparisons with `%operator%` will produce unexpected results

$state(...) creates a proxy of the value it is passed. The proxy and the value have different identities, meaning equality checks will always return false:

	let value = { foo: 'bar' };
	let proxy = $state(value);

	value === proxy; // always false

To resolve this, ensure you’re comparing values where both values were created with $state(...), or neither were. Note that $state.raw(...) will not create a state proxy.

Shared warnings


`<svelte:element this="%tag%">` is a void element — it cannot have content


Value cannot be cloned with `$state.snapshot` — the original value was returned
The following properties cannot be cloned with `$state.snapshot` — the return value contains the originals:


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